April 7, 2008

Interesting read on the rise of neoconservatism

This book review suggests that we can blame individual neocons like Wolfowitz and Perle all we want, but we will have to acknowledge that the roots lie in the American public's penchant for a good v. evil world where America, of course, is purely good. Not addressing that issue, the writer suggests, will not help us stop the next neocon war.

1 comment:

Tony said...

Sorry I'm late adding a couple of cents' worth to this. I have found myself arguing this same point (not stated nearly so eloquently) with other conservatives.

I remember having some missionaries to Ethiopia come and speak to the church a good while ago and how SHOCKED some of the congregants were that there were buildings in Africa. They just simply assumed that everyone lives in grass huts, sew fig leaves for clothing, and rub sticks together. The American worldview is very narrow and shallow.

So it isn't hard to make the logical leap that neither are those people "over there" as moral as we are. We have an astigmatism when it comes to the non-English speaker.

Nevertheless, I agree with the author's assessment that will lead to avoiding the next war: change the mindset that caused it to begin with. And I further think only a dethroning of the GOP will do that.