October 18, 2004

Dubya's Beatitudes

Well, the election is two weeks away. I must say, this has been one of the more grueling ones I can remember. I have really grown to hate the opposition on this one, and I don't remember feeling that strongly before. And that feeling is growing--necessitating these weekly rants to keep me from running amok.

Let me congratulate the Republicans for so dividing the country further. In Oklahoma, as well as several other states, conservatives are trumpeting their "family values" nonsense by putting anti-gay marriage legislation on the ballots. Real mystery what will happen here, since we are so enlightened. It isn't that I don't understand the concern about gay marriage, but the lockstep approach that could end up endangering the kids. In Ohio, the language is so vague that even some Repubs are opposed to it. It could, from what I read, make the state not enforce any legislation for unmarried couples, and that could even include a protective service order--something near and dear to my heart. But hey, if they are unmarried, screw em! Right? Anyone who doesn't fit the white, suburban ideal of sexuality or marriage? Screw them! This is America, where differences are not tolerated! And should not be!!!!!

On other fronts, I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday. She mentioned how offended she was whenever she heard Bush say he was a Christian. Was this because she is opposed to Christians and doesn't want people of faith in office? No. She was offended because she saw actions that seemed so very opposite to the teachings of Christ, yet so many Christians seem to glow when they talk about Bush as one of them in office. I keep asking for any evidence that Bush has acted like a Christian (except talking about how "important" his faith is to him). Still no takers. Doesn't that seem odd? Evidently Bush is allowed to keep saying he is a Christian and get great credits from it, but is not expected to actually live out his faith. Really makes me respect the Christian church right now. Sure glad they are so concerned about family values and morality to support this guy. I sometimes wonder what his faith is all about, if it is even real? I suspect he thinks he is Christian and is being honest when he says so, but his ideas about Christianity are so super thin that he couldn't answer a complicated question about what his faith is really about. The fact that the church hasn't asked him means they are fine with that. Way to go, Church. You are really holding up your end in this deal. As it turns out, I think the American church is just as slutty as so many others in the country. They can be bought off with a $300 check and a few vapid words about how "God changed my heart." Really? Be interesting to know just how ruthless and amoral he was prior to that so-called conversion. But again, that is asking too many questions. I am supposed to respect his faith, and somehow overlook the fact that I have never seen him act on even the smallest portion of his supposed "relationship" with God.

So, with all due respect to those on the other side, I give you:

The Beatitudes according to GWB:

Blessed are the Rich, because I like them.

Blessed are the Poor as well, because we are getting so many more of them. God must like poor people, and he will take care of them, so that the wealthy will not have to.

Blessed are the warmakers, because it is a scary world and you have to hit them before they hit you. Thus and verily so. Killing others is good! And we will not record how many of the others we kill, because that might cause bleeding hearts to care. Caring is bad.

Blessed are the polluters, because mercury in the water and fish will only harm the infants and pregnant women (family values).

Blessed are the torturers, because we must protect ourselves in a scary world.

Blessed are those who lie for their President's sake, for their ends shall justify their means. (and if the President can lie, why not his minions?)

Blessed is John Ashcroft, and his racist little heart, for white supremacy is a good goal, and civil liberties have always gone too far.

Blessed are the gay bashers, because they will always have an audience who is scared of others.

Blessed are those who profit, because profit is the highest form of human endeavor and should be valued over people and God's creation.

Blessed are those who proclaim their Christianity without living it out.

And finally, Bless America, and no one else.


Joel said...

Nicely done with a sarcastic beat.

Check out:


Anonymous said...

President Bush acts as a Christian where it counts most, in his heart. Just like most of the human race, people sin, no one is perfect. He cries with families who are hurt by terrorists, that is him being a Christian. He flies to where his troops are to be with them when it matters most, that is him being a Christian. He visits the people that need help and does what he can to offer a hand and that is him being a Christian.
While Kerry will say what he "should" say depending on what type of group he is speaking to, Bush stands for what he believes in - you won't see him "flip flop" on the important issues.
I am so sick and tired of people from different backgrounds being "insulted" by this and that. People came to America to be American's. With that comes the United States flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, and freedom of religion (and not just one type).
You note that Republicans are trumpeting their "family values", well where were you after 9-11 when people from other countries were insulted by our very own American Flag? People are entitled to their own opinion, that is one of the great things about the USA. At the same time, if I feel gay marriage is wrong; you have the choice to be for it. How wonderful is that. On that note, where did prayer in school go? The Pledge of Allegiance? If you don't want to pray then don't, but don't ridicule me for it.
You shouldn't condemn a whole political party for individual beliefs. I am proud to say that President Bush stands for something, and that something is FREEDOM! The freedom to believe in God and express his beliefs. The freedom to fly the United States flag whereever and whenever he wants to. The freedom to say a prayer and not just before supper, but during the day, perhaps at work even! Just as I would never ask someone who is Buddhist to stop saying a prayer, I expect the same respect from all nationalities. God Bless America and thank you President George W. Bush for being a Christian, an American and the best dang President you can be.
Michelle - Dallas, TX

Anonymous said...


I do think that you may be the village idiot here. Going to church every weekend yet you are so quick to pass judgment and call me names.
If you read what I posted you would have seen between the lines to note that everyone is entitled to feel how ever they want and believe in whatever they wish.
Since you go to church than you know that only God can judge a person, marriage is an institution between a man and a woman. Going off of just those 2 things, Bush stands by being a Christian. Yes maybe of the old faith, but it worked for Christ. I'm sure it would work for you.

Anonymous said...

it's a bit amusing how jesus' least concern whatsoever was anything to do with political systems. everyone reckoned the messiah would set up a government that would kick rome's ass. how many conversations are recorded with him going on about how he and his cronies should try to get some legislation passed to hinder the equality of gay people in society? the fellow changed history by effecting people's lives deeply through his bizarre love that didn't differentiate. you can't legislate that kind of effect in the world. where's the love, dude? oh, with the families who's children have been blown up in the war against the evil infidels for the righteous killing spree to protect our holy interests. (god does want us to be happy and drive our cars around cheaply after all).

Anonymous said...

Dear American friends,

I am French and I think that you should support your president. He is right, and he had the courage to make the right decisions to protect American people.
Please do not forget your pledge to the flag and to the nation. Please be good patriots. Mr Bush is a great man and the last hope for peace, freedom and justice in the world.

God Bless Mr President Bush
God Bless America