October 20, 2004

This just in: Howard Dean is God

CNN.com - Robertson: I warned Bush on Iraq casualties - Oct 19, 2004: "'I mean, the Lord told me it was going to be A, a disaster, and B, messy,' Robertson said. 'I warned him about casualties.'"

That's right. Robertson heard from GOD that the Iraq war was a disaster. Howard Dean was the most vocal opponent before the war, so you do the math. Plus, GWB says he talks to the real God and he was clearly for the War. Said no casualties--minimal fuss--flowers, ice cream, etc. In other news, religious morons everywhere unsure how to manage the apparent contradiction, vow to buy the Passion of the Christ on DVD or an "I Heart God (the real one)" t-shirt to show their faith and calm their nerves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting, but did you have to post it five times?

-- Cold in Laramie