June 19, 2005

Class Warfare, indeed.

Thanks to Great White Bear. Read this transcript.

THE GREAT WHITE BEAR: WARREN BUFFETT, LOU DOBBS: It's class warfare, the wealthy are winning. They shouldn't be.: "BUFFETT: I personally would increase the taxable base above the present $90,000. I pay very little in the way of Social Security taxes because I make a lot more than $90,000. And the people in my office pay the full tax. We're already edging up the retirement age a bit. And I would means test ... I get a check for $1,700 or $1,900 or something every month. I'm 74. And I cash it. But I'll eat without it."


Streak said...

Go ahead, Dave, why don't you enlighten my readers. I am sure they would love to hear more about God-endorsed slavery.

Bootleg Blogger said...

Always does a heart good to know that if a pacifist like Dave ever wakes up as a slave he'll select the biblical texts posted on his blog to comfort himself. It's comforting to know that potential slaves like Dave won't cause any trouble should they ever find themselves in that situation.