June 25, 2005

Is this a Christian view history?

Conservatives seem to love Paul Harvey. I remember him from my childhood. As an adult historian, he has alwasy bugged me. Here is a great reason.

"Once upon a time, we elbowed our way onto and into this continent by giving small pox infected blankets to native Americans.

Yes, that was biological warfare!

And we used every other weapon we could get our hands on to grab this land from whomever. And we grew prosperous.

And, yes, we greased the skids with the sweat of slaves."

See, infecting Indians with a deadly disease was justified. So was slavery. We had to be prosperous.

BTw, the thrust of his little column is that we have become too weak and pansy like in our current war. In WWII we had the balls to drop the big one on Japan. Now, we hold our best weapons in our holster against terrorism.

What an ass. This is a perfect example of someone who hasn't learned shit from the past, and quite possibly has no real understanding of Christianity.


sojourness said...

This guy is a Christian?

I'm horrified.

Unknown said...

I remember when I was involved in IVCF in university about 12 years ago, and getting into a heated discussion on native rights. I heard one woman say, "Why should the natives have rights? In wars there is a winner and a loser. The natives lost. They should deal with and be like the rest of us."

The weeping sound I heard was the nails going in Jesus' hands, like the loser he was.


Bruce Prescott said...


Brandon said...

What a sick and twisted view of humanity.

Kill or be killed, that's the moral of the story. If we don't kick the shit out of someone first, someone else will do it to us.

Bad wins. That's the message. Fundamentally, people are all bad.

This is, of course, fucking bullshit. Paul Harvey, what a prick.

Too bad we're always first to pull the trigger. It seems to me that pulling that trigger rather gives us the luxury of not having to test our empirical question about whether or not the nature of our adversaries is always evil.

Closed said...

Oh my G-d! This is beyond the pale.