August 23, 2005

More on Pat

As Black Sheepsaid in my comments, "Maybe people will now see him for what he really is - or in this case, is not - he ain't no Christian."

Robertson is unbelievable, but maybe people will speak out on this. SOF just told me (I was in class for 3 hours) that Robertson's assinine outburst is getting a lot of play. About damn time. As one reportedly told CNN's Aaron Brown, this adversely affects American travelers in South America. My cousin goes there a lot.

This guy is so offensive. I keep waiting for people to speak, but until now, they are reticent. As one blog I read noticed, if an American muslim said anything close to this, he would be in Gitmo.

I have said this about Bush--and the same applies. Either takes pride in alienating liberals like me. Time for the conservative Christians (who know that advocating murder is not even close to Christian) to speak out. If you do, Robertson will be marginalized as he should be. If not, then his outbursts continue and millions of American sheep will listen and nod.

Up to you.


Bruce Prescott said...


The only thing that will slow Robertson down is for him to start losing audience share on his broadcasts.

If that happens, he'll act repentant, his audience will forgive him, and his ratings will bounce back.

An old movie called "Marjoe" might shed some light on the gullibility of many "conservative" Christians.

Bootleg Blogger said...

Streak- The nasea continues as we hear from other conservatives that Robertson's comments were "ill advised" or "a little extreme". Once again, lets not hold our breath. Bruce is right on- Robertson will have to loose market share, i.e. $$. Even that would validate his position in his mind since it would be seen as persecution. Persecution is the best indicator that you are doing the right thing even when it is actually intelligent people seeing you as the kook you really are. And it goes on and on.