August 7, 2005

Random Sunday musings

I miss seeing Michael Kinsley on tv. He was always smarter than the Bob Novaks of the world. Here, he points out that Republicans have ideas alright, but they are terrible ideas that won't work. "IT'S TRUE THAT the Republicans are the party of ideas and the Democrats are the party of reaction. Republicans set the agenda, and Democrats try to talk the country out of it. But the Republican Party is hardly the Institute for Advanced Studies. The GOP uses ideas like seasonal sports equipment -- taking them out when needed, then scraping the mud off and stuffing them back into the garage until they are needed again. "


I have become a Microsoft hater. Anglican can testify to me defending them back in the day. Now I use a Mac and am really starting to loathe Microsoft. Like this. I started the backup utility today and when you get to the place where you choose the backup location, it buzzes the floppy drive! That's right, you are going to backup something to a meg.5 cheap-ass floppy drive. Stupid.

This may be getting me in trouble. We have a pc running XP Pro, and the rest of our machines are Mac laptops. So, the pc is connected to an Airport Extreme. Now once the pc loses connection (not an IP address mind you) it loses it. You can come back into the room after using the web and find that you can't access Pat Robertson's web site at all!

Ok, I like that last part, but would be able to check in on my fantasy team. Damn microsoft.


Cooking kind of keeps me sane lately. That and music. Alton Brown is my guru. Better than most regular television shows, and certainly better than other cooking show. Take this little hint. He cooks rice in the oven. Sautes a little onion and garlic, then actually browns the rice (I use jasmine, and the half-recipe is 1 cup), then adds hot stock or broth (I use 2 cups with chicken), covers with a good tight top, puts in a 350 degree oven for 17 minutes. And that is that. Maybe the best rice I have ever had. And that easy.


Ok, that is enough for tonight. later.


Anonymous said...

Alton is a very wise man with a very good pilaf recipe. I made it last week. Good stuff. And the beauty of it, as with most of Alton's stuff, is that it's infinitely flexible.

(I highly recommend his protein bars, also. They have about 50 ingredients, but they're all relatively cheap and easy to assemble.)


Anonymous said...

Streak -
Gotta try that rice recipe, thanks man! Cooking keeps me sane as well. I love getting into the kitchen and going nuts with the pots and pans. My latest is Thai cooking. I love cooking it, and my wife and I both love eating it! said...

Welcome to the reality of Microsoft: an inefficient monopoloy that hasn't been innovative in years (arguably ever), producer of insecure and clunky software, and stifler of innovation in the industry for fear of its monopoly power.

Now if we can just get you to stop making excuses for Starbucks, your journey will be complete.

Streak said...

Anglican, i understand. But you think that every corporate power is equally bad. I am not as convinced.

And, while we are talking about coffee, the difference here is that while there are many nice alternatives to Microsoft, in Oklahoma there are few alternatives to Starbucks. No one makes a decent cup of coffee. All too weak. said...

I don't think that actually, though I can understand why I may come across that way.

My issue with Starbucks has nothing to do with the end product. Of course they make a great cup of coffee and are better than many alternatives. My criticism is their complicity (and I readily admit ours/mine as well as consumers), in an undeniably inequitable and unjust economy. Yes, they make a good cup of coffee. Exxon makes a good gallon of gasoline.

Meet you at 'bucks later this week?

Anonymous said...

Anglican is sounding like a Wobbly lately. Sort of like an end-of- Return-of-the-Jedi-Anakin or something. Whoda thunk it back in the day?

Think I'll have to check yer car for Free Tibet and Mumia bumper stickers next time I see you. Speaking of which, meet you at Gitmo later this week?