August 7, 2005

ok, one more

found this on pandagon and couldn't pass it up. Evidently, Fred Phelps (God hates Fags, remember) is cheering whenever American soldiers are killed. Evidently, God is now really pissed at America for allowing gay people to breathe. (Can you imagine believing in his God?)

Anyway, dick face is protesting a soldier's funeral. Some people came up with a nice response. They are raising money to give to the family. People can pledge for every minute the hatemonger is outside.

So, please don't tell me that we liberals don't support our troops. As this blogger put it:

somebody needs to support the troops. Not in the bizarre schizophrenic you have to die for no reason but in return we'll be real understanding if you feel as if you need to torture somebody way that the neoconservative right has been wielding like a banner since this whole useless business started. Thousands of kids who died for less than they could have been making at WalMart deserve more in return for their lives than a free ride for a few slackjawed sadists who are getting their rocks off at the cost of growing the insurgency that's killing thousands of kids who died for less than they could have been making at WalMart.

They're surer'n hell not going to get it from the keyboard warriors of the neoconservative right. Even if they were so inclined, they're too busy keying cars with anti-war bumper stickers and getting elderly pacifist nuns on nofly lists. For, you know, freedom. And besides, they're not so inclined.

Pass this on, OK? This family and all the families like them need to know someone hasn't forgotten them.


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