September 10, 2005

Conservative Christians, these are the people you are supporting

Some say I am too critical of the church, but if you read this it is hard not to be. Great example. Pat Robertson gets roundly condemned (even by Al Mohler) for calling for the assassination of Hugo Chavez. He then does one of those non-apology apologies, and the sheeple go back to listening to his show. He mentions that Judge Roberts has to be happy that Katrina came along because it will help him get confirmed. And lets not forget the asshole praying for openings on the Supreme Court. So, after all that, what happens during Katrina? Operation Blessing (Robertson's charity/diamond smuggling operation) gets prominent promotion on FEMA's website.

I have a friend in Texas who routinely dismisses Robertson as a "goober." Yet, Bush and the rest of the Religious right are in bed with him. If Robertson is unworthy of your support, so is Bush. As Moyers says:

We’re talking about a powerful religious constituency that claims the right to tell us what’s on God’s mind and to decide the laws of the land according to their interpretation of biblical revelation and to enforce those laws on the nation as a whole. For the Bible is not just the foundational text of their faith; it has become the foundational text for a political movement.

All of that would be good. But this agenda lacks any sense of social justice or attention to poverty. It is as if we are reenacting the life of Christ, but this time cheering for Caesar. Those of you who cheer on these "patriot pastors" are cheering for more poverty, less social justice, less environmental responsibility (remember, a little of that might have lessened the impact of the storm on New Orleans).

I know I am redundant. I have been saying this for the last year or two. But it is still true. I am hoping that the Christians who actually believe in justice and mercy will wake up and see that Pat Robertson--far from being some odd ball on the fringes of our political consciousness--is actually the best representative. Crazy as a loon, and more concerned about wealth than justice. In other words, not Christian.

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