But then we hit the road this morning and politics were back on the front burner--or in this case NPR. Coming out of Austin, we heard this story about Intelligent Design and education--this time in Pennsylvania. Seems the school board wants a disclaimer that students hear before learning evolution. Something that says that evolution is "only a theory and not a fact."
Man, I am getting tired of hearing that. I think scientists should push for a mandatory education at a young age (and perhaps when you get your drivers license) that teaches what a scientific theory is and how scientific research occurs. No mention of evolution--just an education in what a "theory" is. Maybe then we wouldn't have so many people saying that evolution is "just" a theory.
Oh, and btw, I really want critics of evolution to understand evolution. I have run into way too many people lately who say that evolution is wrong, but they don't even know what it is. I know what Intelligent Design is. It is the argument that life is too complex to occur from chance. I also know they have no evidence. I also know what creation is. It is the belief that God created the earth and human beings directly. I don't have a problem with that belief, but don't want it taught in science class. Again, no evidence.
Perhaps that mandatory education thing I mentioned above should include teaching what a "myth" is as well.
But then they throw in that 2/3's of Americans want creation taught alongside evolution. Is this the same population that at least last year believed that Iraqi citizens were the ones who flew planes into our buildings? And that started me thinking about other areas where a majority of Americans hold beliefs that are false. Any out there you want to suggest?
So then we stopped at Cabelas in Fort Worth. Huge store with way too many decoys and fish lures to count. But I like their shoe section (don't ask) so we stopped. While I was waiting to try on some Rockports, the salesman was in a conversation with two stern customers. I am assuming husband and wife, but that is a guess. Anyway, salesman was talking about the hurricane and I realized the three of them were talking about the difference between Katrina and Rita. Angry wife-woman said that the difference was the governors. "Ours was in charge, theirs didn't do anything." Idiot husband-man jumped in and said that congress had a plan to protect New Orleans until "liberal democrats and environmentalists blocked it."
So I threw the Rockport at the husband and yelled "too bad that is complete nonsense, Rushbo, but thanks for giving us the President's talking points. And thanks for bringing the Wicked Witch of the West back into public life!" Then I told them to go to hell and took the bus home.
Ok, I didn't actually do that. But I thought about it.
And one more thing: Sad news today from the entertainment world. Don Adams died. I really loved "Get Smart" as a kid and am sad to see him go.
Glad you had a safe and memorable trip. I would have paid admission to see you throwing a shoe at the dittohead, but it is nice to know you can control your temper.
yeah, i am sorry to have missed that one too but expect you would be proud of Streak for hollering "MOOVE!" repeatedly at the jackasses in front of us during the hotly anticipated steve earle set.
I don't know about that, Greek Shadow. I've played golf with him.
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