I am not really a bumper sticker guy. I kind of want to be, but....
This morning, for some reason, I decided to survey the anti-bush stuff at Cafe Press. Some pretty funny stuff.
"If you voted for Bush, a yellow ribbon won't make up for it."
[this one is a magnet, not a bumper sticker, but still good] "LOST: One democracy... Last seen in North America cavorting with corporate fat cats and religious fundamentalists. If found, return to the American people. Great sentimental value."
"Bush is listening. Use big words"
and my favorite:
"Would someone please give him a blowjob so we can have him impeached?"
THE very best, seen in the parking lot of the Homeland grocery store at Lindsey and McGee:
"what if the hokey pokey really IS what it's all about?"
My favorite is one in the news recently where a woman got pulled over and ticketed for having an obscene bumper sticker: STOP THE BUSHIT! With W's picture on it. I believe she won her court case though.
Hah. I saw one on Lindsey street too, crossing the freeway over to the Republican side: "This gene pool needs more chlorine."
I saw a good one today -- "Yee ha! is not a foreign policy."
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