I know that this artist tends to evoke strong responses. Either people like her or dislike her. Well, I am obviously in the "like her" camp. We bought Kasey Chambers's new album the Tuesday before heading down to ACL with the full expectation that we would see her live in a few days. She canceled for some reason, but the album was still worth the wait. Not, on the whole, as solid as Wayward Angel, but still quite good. "Colour of a Carnival" and "Sign on the Door" are two very good songs. What can I say? I simply enjoy her voice.
Maybe I'm just feeling contrary here, Streak, but I think most people don't think 'Kasey Chambers WOW' or 'Kasey Chambers ICK' but WHO is this Kasey Chambers of which you speak? When I got past the who stage, probably about the time of her last album, I thought it was just ok. Although, come to think of it, I do indeed feel strongly about that opinion.
But then again, you like jazz. How credible is your take on someone like Kasey? How can someone who probably still has a copy of the Chicago Bears doing the "Super Bowl Shuffle" critique my top list?
Super Bowl Shuffle is on my iPod, Streak, but what's your point? Furthermore, since Bill O'Reilly gets apoplectic about iPods, I figure I must be ok.
I am sticking with jazz.
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