July 7, 2007

If you like guitars

Check out this MARTIN 000-45 (1928).

Only $75,000.


Bootleg Blogger said...

Nice, but did you see this one? Only $120,000.

Bootleg Blogger said...

Opps- forgot the link- http://elderly.com/vintage/items/30U-14093.htm

Streak said...

Wow, and that one is a 1960 model! Unbelievable. What really tickles me is the web page with the "buy" button. I wonder how that works?

Bootleg Blogger said...

I hit it- it just puts it in your basket and you can proceed to your credit card info. I chose not to go further!-BB

Streak said...

I assumed something like that. Imagine being able to put 120 grand on a credit card and not be fleeing to mexico the next day?

I also wonder how that guitar sounds.