February 19, 2006

did you know it snows in Oklahoma?

It snowed Friday night and has been, how do you say, frigging cold. Ice on everything and hard snow. Started out kind of wet, so the roads are not great.

I am watching the olympics (hockey) and our local NBC affiliate has a running scroll across the screen listing cancelations. Church cancelations. I don't know if this happens elsewhere. I am used to school outages and public meetings, but the constant scroll of church outings annoys me. First, it is nearing noon here and I am suspecting that either people are like me and not going, or already know their church service is canceled. So, turn it off, dammit.

I am not really sure why churches need to dominate our airwaves, but oh well. It has illustrated just how many churches there are in the area. Feels like thousands and thousands. And some of the names are ridiculous. No offense, but if your church name is "Preach Unto Them: Jesus" you need a new church. As SOF pointed out, the name itself is illuminating. It isn't "preach unto us" it is "preach unto them." No need to look at the beam in our eyes.

I just think the name is ridiculous. But then again, I think most of these non-denoms have stupid names. Oh well.

Damn, and now Sweden is up on the US 2-1. Damn.


Anonymous said...

I scooped 13 inches out of the driveway last Thursday. Yesterday it got up to 4. It was too cold for the Special Olympics Polar Plunge (where you jump in the lake through a hole in the ice, not that I was going. Today I think it might be 8. All this global warming stuff had me softened up, then real winter hit again.

ANewAnglican@gmail.com said...

Lighten up, Francis.

Anonymous said...

Sgt Hulka, the big toe of the blogworld everybody!

Streak said...

It isn't every day we get a "Stripes" reference.

educat said...

PUTJ Christian Academy holds a special place in my heart as they are usually right before my district in the school closing listings.

I am usually too excited after seeing my notice to wait and see if "Repent, Thou Uncircimcized Philistine Academy" is open.

Anonymous said...

We got 23 inches of snow here in Connecticut last Saturday night into Sunday. Not one church closing mentioned on the local news crawls or radio news. I wonder why?

Streak said...

Educat, it is very rude to make me spill coffee in the morning. Now that is funny. And I don't doubt for a second that the Repent Academy actually exists.

JoeG, good point. Growing up in Colorado, I hear you. One difference is that this last snow storm is really an ice storm with snow on top. Given our lack of experience and materials, it really can shut things down here.

But I am still wondering why all these churches need the news to broadcast their cancelations. Maybe they are too big.

Bootleg Blogger said...

Ah, the joys of the news crawl!!! Rather than "lighten up" I'll join in the rant, too. I guess this is a case where size does matter :-), as in being so large that a few phone calls by several church leaders can't get a message to the membership. You and I can remember when that would have done it for us. Maybe that should be a test of the right church size- if you can't get a message to most of your membership within a few hours then you are too big and/or too preoccupied. Add someone on the phone to answer interested member/non-members calls and it should be taken care of. Keep in mind, Streak, in cases where the power is out, you can't conduct a modern worship service anyway!:-) Although, now that I think of it, I'm surprized I haven't seen the "Jesus Unplugged Sessions" advertised anywhere yet.
Later, BB