February 26, 2006

SBC idiocy

Baptists Eye Women's Missionary Group: "As a conservative, she was concerned because the WMU was working with moderate Baptist churches and she noted that the executive director of the Woman's Missionary Union, Wanda Lee, spoke at a meeting of the moderate Baptist General Convention of Missouri."

Makes me think that the SBC really doesn't get it.

(Jerusalem, 32) SBC voices concern about preacher's associations. Today, SBC leaders suggested that they might take action to force itinerant preacher Jesus Christ to accept orders directly from the convention. Spokesperson Al Mohler said, "Mr. Christ is associating with people that we know to be sinners. He has been spotted talking to adulterers, and even lepers. That is clearly a problem. What is next? Talking to women? Next he will be chastizing the rich and speaking about the poor."

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Yeah I saw that little nugget of a quote and shook my head. It's yet another observation that strikes me dumbfounded and unable to produce words.

You're 100% right - they don't get it.