February 9, 2006

Odd: I agree with Grover

Listening to NPR tonight, I heard a good discussion on the whole wiretapping issue. Norquist (who is the conservative genius who wants to reduce government to the size where it can be drowned in a bathtub) said that Bush was wrong to assert some inherent powers associated with the war AND that Rove was wrong to accuse liberals of being unpatriotic.

I feel a tremor in the force. Of course, I have been saying these things all along. And for those conservatives who excuse Gonzales for testifying without an oath, or who excuse Bush based on some bizarre divine inspiration--you are drinking the Kool-aid. Yeah, and that applies to those who believe today's release of the 2002 plot to hijack planes was disconnected from Bush's political troubles over the NSA plot.

As Norquist even said, powers asserted by Bush can be used by a possible President Hillary. That will clarify things like nothing else can. But my favorite quote came from the Daily Show last night on the Gonzales hearings. Leahy said something like "I am sorry, Mr. Attorney General, I know you can't comment on anything relevant to this committee."

1 comment:

Wasp Jerky said...

It amazes me that Bush still has any credibility whatsoever. Every other sentence that comes out of the guy's mouth is a lie. 2002 plot to hijack planes my ass.