If it all happened the way he said, I would have little more than the jokes. Mine today was to tell people that the President now has a new way of firing people. He will just send a note or message that reads: "Dick wants to take you hunting."
But I just want to know that the owner's story is what happened. It says something about my feelings for Cheney and this entire administration that I have any doubts at all. Was the VP negligent? Was there alcohol involved? Why did they not disclose it? Some feel that the story was delayed to avoid the Sunday morning talk shows. I don't doubt that. Some bloggers are wondering if the story holds up to scrutiny. I ran it by a hunting friend and he said that while it strikes him as a bit careless, it does certainly sound plausible.
I really don't doubt that. I think, much like so many problems in Washington, the actual event here is a non-issue, but the response is questionable. Not disclosing the event until later, and blaming the victim (however subtly) is a problem. I turned into CNN this morning to see Scott McClellan under fire trying to explain to an increasingly skeptical press corps why the VP didn't come forward. Reaping what you sow is sometimes a bitch. Treating people with such open disrespect and contempt is bound to turn on you.
Anyway. Here is hoping that the shooting vic recovers fully, and that Dick Cheney might learn a little humility.
Update. Paul Begala weighs in.
Update II
Bush Administration Full Coverage on Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney apparently broke the No. 1 rule of hunting: be sure of what you're shooting at. Cheney wounded fellow hunter Harry Whittington in the face, neck and chest Saturday, apparently because he didn't see Whittington approaching as he fired on a covey of quail in Texas.
Hunting safety experts interviewed Monday agreed it would have been a good idea for Whittington to announce himself -- something he apparently didn't do, according to a witness. But they stressed that the shooter is responsible for knowing his surroundings and avoiding hitting other people."
I would like to know who these experts are, but will settle for the fact that the White House will have to deal with this leading the news cycle for a bit. Trying to remember the last time the Bush people had good news cycles. Oh, and I almost felt a bit of sympathy for Cheney. Every story I have seen has used an unflattering picture of him,

The President fires people?
Hah. Good point. Dammit, have to rewrite the joke. But it doesn't work as well if it is the President trying to get rid of a critic. What NY Times reporter or liberal is actually going to go hunting with Dick.
I liked Jon Stewart's caution to parents. No matter what energy regulation you want lifted, or deal you are trying to broker, don't let your children go hunting with Cheney. He will shoot them in the face.
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