May 22, 2008

McCain's pastor problems

First, CNN is reporting that John McCain has rejected John Hagee's endorsement. It only took, what? 4 months or so? Looks like he did so right about the same time that John Hagee took back his endorsement, citing critics who were "misrepresenting" his words. No, sorry, Mr. Hagee. You are just as batshit crazy as we think.

Now the clock is ticking on the other batshit crazy pastor--Rod Parsley. McCain's campaign says that he only met with Parsley one time before accepting his endorsement, so, naturally, we can't hold him accountable for the guy's radical views on destroying Islam, right? As Yglesias says
But of course anti-Muslim bigotry has a large constituency in the United States so it's not a political weakness to be affiliated with it. Similarly, it's true that having a president who likes to associate himself with anti-Muslim bigotry would be a disaster for American foreign policy and national security, but since the essence of McCain's foreign policy vision is that he wants to maximize the number and duration of wars this won't actually be a problem for him.

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