March 7, 2005

From Bad Catholic, a great quote on the ten commandments

Bad Catholic: To help us know what to do: "Christan Stapleton, 13, of Newland, N.C., carried a homemade, cardboard Ten Commandments tablet. She came to the Supreme Court with her church and family members.

'We do need them in our school,' she said, 'to help us know what to do, what God wants us to do as we go through our day.'"

Yeah, this is crap. If this 13 year old girl needs the 10 commandments to guide her day, then she is in trouble. And let's be clear here. It isn't this particular 13 year old that the Religious Right and Roy Moore are thinking of. Just as in school prayer, the issue isn't the kids who want to pray, it is those who don't. The attempt here is to coerce the heathens from down the street. A little honesty would be nice.

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