March 25, 2005

Power, Principle, and Faith

I kind of hope that this is my last post on the Shiavo case. Like so many people out there, I am tired of how this deeply personal family tragedy has been so manipulated and used by so many people.

But Streak's other friend and I were musing about the principle issues at stake. We are not the first to note that the party that used to be most concerned about keeping government out of personal lives is now supporting some of the most intrusive actions the government can do. Jeb Bush wants to take Terry Shiavo into state custody. Numerous people, including our philosopher President, have said that if you are going to err, should err on the side of life. Funny how those same people seem to not feel the same way when a person's guilt or innocence is in doubt--and many want those people to have very limited appeals. Just kill them.

But why are these "principles" clearly so not-principled?

I really don't know. But those people who call themselves conservative used to criticize people like me for my liberal beliefs. Since I didn't base them on some absolute truth, they said that my beliefs were not well-founded in principle.

Well, let me say that if you can blather on in 2000 about the government not telling people what to do, but then muster all the power you have to over-ride state courts and intrude on the most personal and tragic event, you have no principle underlying your policy. And that is exactly what Bush has done.

I kind of expect that from him. Despite his spin of being principled, he has shown himself to not be. But I am most surprised by conservatives I know--people who talked a lot under Clinton about "principle" and the "rule of law"--who are now excusing government intrusion and and expanding state, to say nothing of justifying debt practices, a hostile foreign policy and the growth of a theocratic state.

If I were a conservative who disliked Clinton but now loves Bush, I would do a little inventory and see if I could find my principle. Might be worth dusting off and seeing if any of it matches this current administration.

Just a thought.

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