From the website (yes, that is right, this shit is real) these quotes:
"Do you believe God belongs in government?
Do you believe President Bush is doing The Lord's Work?
If so, then show your love for God & the USA!"
Maybe instead of One nation under God (or UNUG), it should be One Nation under Bush. Maybe Half a Nation under Bush. Or maybe even more accurately, One Nation With a Small Radical Group of Thumpers Who Think that God Prefers Them. Or perhaps, One Nation Deeply Divided by Assholes Who Claim God Speaks to them.
Sigh. This one is annoying to read first thing in the morning. :)
You mean the Bible isn't a political manifesto? There aren't other people in this country besides Christians?? Well, I guess that last one might make sense. They're just practicing here for heaven, as they think they'll be the only ones there as well. What garbage. These fish should be fried!
Oh dear God. *bangs head against desk*
you know you're a graphic designer when you react to the bad typography before the quasi-blasphemy. *sigh*
worst. idol. design. ever.
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