May 28, 2005

More on Ted Haggerty

Vaughn Thompson at Icthus has a great post on this jerk Haggerty [also check out Waving or Drowning?: Private Property]. Good god. If he isn't worshiping the market (which he directly and openly embraces, not only for wealth, but for the way to commodify spirituality) he is saying amazingly stupid and racist things about Catholic (code for brown people) populations.

If this is the future of the church, be sure to count me out. Good god. Its like Vegas, Branson and the worst of Hollywood read a bad book on the bible and vomited out this church. Note the quote below. 'Worthwhile projects' include soup kitchens, which Ted is tired of hearing about. Much more important to "prosper in the free market." You know, it is just like Jesus said: "feed the poor after you make your millions and if you have time. What is really important is that is that you be happy and rich." Right? Didn't he say that? Because all of the evangelical world SEEMS TO THINK HE DID!

ICTHUS: "In Pastor Ted's book Dog Training, Fly Fishing, & Sharing Christ in the 21st Century, he describes the church he thinks good Christians want. 'I want my finances in order, my kids trained, and my wife to love life. I want good friends who are a delight and who provide protection for my family and me should life become difficult someday... I don't want surprises, scandals, or secrets... I want stability and, at the same time, steady, forward movement. I want the church to help me live life well, not exhaust me with endless 'worthwhile' projects.' By 'worthwhile projects' Ted means building funds and soup kitchens alike. It's not that he opposes these; it's just that he is sick of hearing about them and believes that other Christians are, too. He knows that for Christianity to prosper in the free market, it needs more than 'moral values' -- it needs customer value."

Thanks for the quotes, Vaughn, but I feel like taking a long shower.

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