May 28, 2005

Other issues--rage and bother

First, the rage. One of the big problems with Bushy is that he has never, never, never held anyone accountable for one of his mistakes. Sure, people have been pushed out, but usually for daring to question a Custer Bush decision. Those who have masterminded our recent foreign policy cluster fuck have all been rewarded. One of them is now Secretary of State--another is being appointed ambassador to the UN. Now this story:
"Two Army analysts whose work has been cited as part of a key intelligence failure on Iraq -- the claim that aluminum tubes sought by the Baghdad government were most likely meant for a nuclear weapons program rather than for rockets -- have received job performance awards in each of the past three years, officials said."

That's right. Performance awards. Working for Bush, evidently, you could come forward with the analysis that the sun revolves around the earth and still get the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Good way to not, however, is to actually suggest that up is indeed up, or that Iraq was not a direct or immediate threat to the US. That would get you fired. And savaged in the press.

Item 2: This is in the bother category. House Republicans (of the knuckle-dragging category) [side note: isn't it interesting that we use evolutionary imagery to describe people who probably don't believe in evolution?] and obviously those who are the farthest right and most beholden to King Dobson tried to limit the roles of women in the military. After actual women veterans (one of them a Republican in the house) and the Pentagon weighed in, Knuckle was forced to retreat. What bothers me is the discussion of women in combat. I hate combat and hate all of those deaths. But why are congressional republicans more worried about women dying in battle than men?

Item 3: Star Wars. If you haven't seen the Revenge of the Sith, you probably should. I was a doubter--really hating the first two--but after hearing from people I trust, we went to see it yesterday. It is quite good and has some amazing references to today's struggles (as most movies do--purposefully or not). I won't say anything more, but am still quite impressed that they were actually able to get Karl Rove to play his evil role on camera!

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