May 3, 2005

More on Robertson

Bootleg Blogger suggested that I ruined a perfectly good day for him. I think Robertson took care of that! :) And in my defense, I included a very funny and thoughtful Daily Show clip to counter balance the insanity of Pat "Giant Head" Robertson.

Speaking of the melon head, I was thinking about his bizarre interview this morning. I was reminded of his contradictory approach to Muslims. He opposed having Muslims on the bench because, after all, " they have said in the Qu'ran there's a war against all the infidels. Do you want somebody like that sitting as a judge? I wouldn't."

But when asked about who is the biggest threat to America, that is you and me--liberals, feminists and of course Judges--all who are a bigger threat than Al Qaida. And why?

When asked if judges were a more serious threat than terrorists, Rev. Robertson responded: “It depends on how you look at culture. If they look over the course of 100 years, I think the gradual erosion of the consensus that's held our country together is probably more serious than a few bearded terrorists who fly into buildings. And I think we have controlled Al Qaida. I think we'll get Osama bin Laden. We've won in Afghanistan. We won in Iraq. And we can contain that. But if there's an erosion at home, you know, Thomas Jefferson warned about a tyranny of oligarchy. If we surrender our democracy to the tyranny of oligarchy, we've made a terrible mistake.”

Why are Muslim judges a threat, then? This speaks to just how crazy Pat Robertson is. He has never been about anything other than pushing a hard-line dominionist agenda. He wants someone like himself to rule the country from an OT perspective. He wants to be able to ban feminism, and homosexuality, and liberalism. He thinks that God is whispering in his ear. That is arrogant. And dangerous.


Anonymous said...

This is the new buzzphrase of the religious right, 'Our country is becoming an Oligarchy and we need to do something about it!'. This is the new fear.

I heard James Dobson (of 'Focus on the Family' fame) and his son (of James Dobson fame) rant on about the supreme court judges and how they are single handedly turning the United States into an undemocratic oligarchy. Defying the will of the people.

what do you call it when a country is against a war but a president and a few good men take them anyway?

Streak said...

Yeah, that is the problem. But these guys are not going to get a lot of fundraising if they honestly write their people: "We have more than our share of representation in Washington and really only blame the liberals because it is easier to play the victim."
