January 25, 2005

Ok, this makes me mad. Bush is the worst president ever.

I remember all the lectures about the state being too invasive. I remember all the chiding about government being too strong and that states and local governments needed to make those decisions.

Yet here we are with this President who said all that overriding the interests of the state to help enrich his buddies. This makes me really mad, and is really the heart of my dislike of this guy. It would be one thing if his actions matched his political (or theological) philosophy, but they don't. He says he is a Christian, but doesn't act it. He says he believes in state's rights, yet will sue a state if they don't do what he wants. And here, he ignores the Governor and barges in. Who will profit? I am sure his energy buddies.

When will the grown up conservatives recognize that this guy isn't a real conservative?

Treehugger: Feds OK Drilling in NM Grasslands Despite Governor's Pleas: "Here is the :( story of the day, from the department of “Mr. President, leave my goddamned planet alone,” George W. has given the go-ahead to drill for oil in a rare desert grassland in New Mexico, overriding the desire of the state’s governor, who, by the way, used to be the Secretary of Energy during the Clinton administration. The new plan will allow 141 exploratory wells to be dug on 2 million acres of land. And get this: Of the 100 wells in New Mexico that have been drilled in the last CENTURY, ONLY TWO have produced oil or gas...

(Yes, our voices are raised!) Plus, the state Bureau of Land Management rates the mesa’s oil production potential as low to moderate, or, as one official put it, “We’re talking about destroying the largest remaining desert grasslands in America for at best a few days worth of oil and gas. That is shortsighted.” Word, brother.

Groundwater, the preservation of grazing land, and wildlife are all at risk, including the habitat of the endangered Aplomado falcon (36,000 acres will be set aside for the bird), herds of pronghorn antelope, migratory songbirds and loads of Indian petroglyphs. Otero Mesa, the place to be drilled, has been found to be the largest source of untapped groundwater in New Mexico, so it’s no wonder that opponents are up in arms about the quantity to be used for oil and gas production, not to mention the poor quality of water returned after it is used, which can be contaminated with saline or petroleum byproducts.

We at TreeHugger understand that we still need oil for a variety of reasons, but all we’re saying is that there’s gotta be a better way kids. Let’s invest some of that time, energy, and money into new, clean sources of energy. Via"

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