January 31, 2005

Take the Pledge! Oops.

ABC13.com: Study finds abstinence programs haven't influenced TX teens: "Abstinence-only programs like those promoted by the Bush administration don't seem to be working on teenagers in the president's home state, according to a state-sponsored study by Texas A&M University researchers.

The ongoing study, the first evaluation of the abstinence programs across the state, found that students in almost all high school grades were more sexually active after undergoing abstinence education."

Further proof that pushing abstinence-only is fool hardy. These kids often, when they have sex--and it is 'when' not 'if'--have not been encouraged to use any protection. So, this program--thanks to the right wing--makes these kids more vulnerable to unwanted pregnancy or disease. That's right. The Family Values crowd is endangering our kids!

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