January 6, 2006

Oh my

In a continuation of yesterday, a few notes on Conservatives and their alleged principles. This self-identified conservative has some real issues with how his fellow conservatives have responded to the Abramoff scandal. He is not kind:
Translation: the people we conservatives advocated for and voted for got to Washington and in many cases became just as corrupt as the bums they replaced -- though the scale of Abramoff's operation suggests that the Republicans were even worse. Somewhere along the way, Republicans got more interested in maintaining power than in standing for anything -- I vote for the moment that Tom DeLay conceived the K Street Project, which in its wretched amoralistic excess recalls the phrase attributed to the Medici pope of the Renaissance Leo X: "God gave us the papacy; let us enjoy it" (and we know how well things would soon turn out for the Church because of that attitude).

But my favorite was this proof that people like Abramoff and Ralph Reed and Karl Rove have just been exploiting Christian conservatives:

"If I were a Democrat, I would flood Red State media markets this fall with the following quotation -- yes, I quoted it yesterday, but I just can't get enough of it -- from a memo by Abramoff partner and former DeLay aide Michael Scanlon, explaining how he and his fellow wiseguys made useful idiots of Christian conservatives to serve their clients' interests: 'Simply put, we want to bring out the wackos to vote against something and make sure the rest of the public lets the whole thing slip past them. The wackos get their information form [sic] the Christian right, Christian radio, mail, the internet, and telephone trees.' "

And you thought they shared your values. They don't. They just see a voting block that they can manipulate.


Yesterday, of course, Big Head Pat explained Ariel Sharon's tragic stroke as proof that God likes Pat more than Sharon. His idiocy knows no bounds.

Well, today, we see that a group of Ministers Say They Blessed Seats Ahead of Alito Hearing. Maybe we should just add this to the list of reasons why conservative evangelicals should not be taken seriously. Except that they are better represented in Washington than people who believe in gravity.

But these ministers claim this act of putting holy oil on the seats in the hearings room is not a "pro-Alito prayer" but merely that God needs to be involved. Then this little gem:
Rev. Schenck said he and Rev. Mahoney had blessed the same room before hearings for Chief Justice John Roberts last year. That hearing 'went very well,' Rev. Schenck said."

See, we aren't Republicans, but God prefers Republican judges. Simple.

My friend Bucky the Badger thought it was particularly outrageous that these guys had broken into a confernce room. Imagine, he said, if it appeared in the news this way: "A small group of clerics entered an unsecured hearing room at the cpaital and are thought to have spread an unknown substance on several surfaces. The entire wing of the building will be closed while hazmat teams moves in to invesitgate where biological wmd may be involved."

Brilliant. And dead on.


Ok, now for some humor. My other friend, CIL made me read this hilarious live blogging (kind of) of the Rose Bowl. The entire thing is worth reading, but here are a few gems:

8:23 -- Funny shot of Leinart warming up and wearing a conspicuous knee brace. After the Saints locked up the No. 2 pick, do you think Leinart went to USC's doctor and asked, "Can you give me the biggest, scariest looking knee brace you can find?"

or this?

"8:37 -- Keith Jackson on Vince Young: 'As an old defensive coach once said, 'He ain't got no handles,' but he led the country in passing this year.'

(Um, does anyone on this plane speak jive? What just happened there?)"

Read the entire thing if you need a laugh.

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