January 26, 2006

Well, I found my ire

Yeah, it is never far off. All I have to do is read the news. Well, this edition of Streak's ire is for those who still think Bush is a Christian--with all the assumed morality and character that accompanies that. Over at the Talking Points Memo, Josh is discussing how a Bush-Cheney supporter who runs the company that does the pictures for White House appearances has pulled pictures featuring Bush and Abramoff. They are also deleted from their cds.

See, my little voice tells me that cagey politicos like Karl Rove could have spun the Abramoff thing and just turned things on him. They could have said, "this is a damn shame, a damn shame. Yes we know Jack Abramoff and expected far better from him. Of course we know him, but he never got special treatment from us. He was just a good fundraiser." Except that probably isn't true. I bet he did get special treatment. Hence the Orwellian attempt to delete reality.


Speaking of the rat. Karl Rove has said some very unkind things about Democrats lately.

Media Matters -
Media uncritically reported Rove's false claim that Democrats don't want to eavesdrop on Al Qaeda
: "Let me be as clear as I can: President Bush believes if Al Qaeda is calling somebody in America, it is in our national security interest to know who they're calling and why. Some important Democrats clearly disagree."

This is actually more than unkind. It is a blatant and slanderous lie. Democrats don't want terrorists attacking any more than Republicans, and the scenario Rat Boy just outlined is absolutely no problem for me or most Democrats. If you get a warrant. See, we just believe that we need some form of checks and balances to make sure that our President is not abusing his office and his power. I wonder why Karl wants no such check.


Third item. Recent documents have revealed that even Michael Brown's inept FEMA actually warned the White House that a leve 4 hurricane or higher would breach the levees, and that flooding and mass damage would ensue. Before, the hurricane. So, when our Christian President said afterwards that no one could have predicted the levees failing, he was, how do you put it, lying.

Now, his administration is stonewalling congressional efforts to investigate the response to Katrina--withholding documents and witnesses. Any guesses on how quick they would be to cooperate if those documents showed the President acting with competence?

It is bad enough these people are incompetent. But they are also untruthful and perfectly willing to slander their opponents. I think Samuel Johnson said that "Patriotism is the last refuge of Scoundrels." He surely was thinking of people like this.


Anonymous said...

What is this lying thing you keep nattering on about? The Great White Father is wrapping us all in the fluffy Omelet of Safety, and I'm sure that all those reports of broken eggs is just more partisian whining....

Wasp Jerky said...

Reminds me of how Bush, when asked about his relationship with Ken Lay, responding with "who?," as if he had no idea who the man was. Nevermind that Lay was a huge contributor to Bush's campaign, that he sent the Bush family Christmas cards, yada yada yada.