January 20, 2006

Yeah, now I am pissed

The jaded and angry Streak is back. For now.

I turn on the MSNBC tonight and see some blonde woman hosting the Abram report. Or something like that. I have two major annoyances after watching this show.

She had two lawyers on arguing about evesdropping. The pro-Bush guy just kept saying that the President was the Constitutionally appointed and elected official to determine Constitutionally issues. And especially during wartime. Hey, the country gets to kill people during wartime too, so (as the gov lawyer said) it was hardly a stretch that the Prez could authorize evesdropping.

At least the opposition guy was decent. He said that the President couldn't both pitch and call balls and strikes. I thought that was apt. If only I had a smidgeon of faith that the people defending Bush would have tolerated Clinton saying "Hey, we're at war. I get to do whatever I want while we are at war?" If a conservative defender can tell me that he/she wouldn't mind a President Hillary saying that, I will believe them. Otherwise, I have to call bullshit on that.

Now about the second annoyance. Blondie (and I had never seen her) ended each segment by saying "there is right on each side." How wonderful for us all? A lawyer can say that the President has unfettered powers and all the host can say is that each side is equally right. That is the worst legacy of the Bush administration (besides the destruction to the evangelical credibility)--that we have the constant argument that every critic of Bush has a completely credible counter-argument. Good god.

Isn't it amazing? Shouldn't we be arguing that saying it is up is just a counter argument to saying it is down. Night? Day is just as credible.

No wonder intelligent design has a foothold.

1 comment:

Bruce said...

right, its the cult of personal preferance... where people who argue against relativism also make the case that all arguments have two sides whether there are two legitimate sides or not. Sometimes there are facts and they is spin, the two are not equal. Its as if we should always have a pro-communist on after the president speaks, for the sake of balance. Most people would see THAT as absurd, but give pass to other things