August 13, 2008

Interesting court ruling

RELIGION Blog | The Dallas Morning News: "When considering applicants from Christian high schools, the University of California system does not have to recognize courses that reject evolution or declare the Bible infallible, a federal judge has ruled."

The court held that this was not because of a religious view, but because the course didn't meet the university's legitimate academic standard.


leighton said...

This suit was even more petty because it wasn't even about student admissions, it was only about course transfer credits. The simple solution for these poor victimized evangelicals is to have their first-years take the introductory courses and GEs like everyone else, but of course that wouldn't make the papers.

leighton said...

It's also worth pointing out that handling the situation like adults wouldn't have cost California taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars in lawyers' fees and court costs (UC counsel is paid for by state funds). If I hadn't moved to Colorado, that would have been my money wasted. Poor oppressed Christians, indeed. :p