August 15, 2008

Our Obama Yard Sign

Some knob took it last night.


7 comments: said...

That's unbelievable. But look at it this way: they must be really scared.

Streak said...

Maybe I should think of it as an Obama supporter who needed it more than I did.

steves said...

It may just be some stupid pranksters, but your guesses sound much more interesting.

Anonymous said...

It was me. If you want it back, write a $50 check to the McCain campaign. When I have confirmation that the check has cleared, I'll return the sign.

leighton said...

No, it was me! Stolen Obama signs are hotter than opium in Beirut; it's my secret retirement strategy. Now if I can just keep the feds from raiding my warehouses in San Francisco...

Tony said...


It was me. I took it. And I'm glad I did it! Muuwahhahhaa...>wringing hands<

I'm a covert spy for the anti-Obama underground and I take PayPal.

Anonymous said...

Don't look at me - I'm voting for Kodos.