I think that many people who are happy with church have no idea that this group exists. Each of the people in this group shared a background in church. They knew the Sunday School lessons, had the VBS songs down pat, and all were just sick of church. Not sick of God. Not sick of the message. But sick of church. Mention bible study or "quiet time" and you got a few winces.
There are good churches out there, I have no doubt. But many of the churches are becoming more about Joel Osteen and James Dobson than something that I want to attend or be a part of.
Yes it so much easier to stand outside and criticize.
Joel Olsteen
Hey Joel, you misspelled your name!
Joel - you are right. It is easy to stand outside and criticize. It is easy to attend a Super-Sized stadium and listen to mind-numbing, self-help sermons that make you feel all tingly (and not in the good way). I also believe it is easy to spell. But when friends meet together to show caring and concern, it isn't as easy. Vulnerability isn't easy. Not everyone always gets along. But it's better because it is Community.
Here is what I wonder: if those who were happy with church knew this group exists, would it matter? My experience shows that it wouldn't.
As Joel so aptly put it, it IS easy to stand outside of any group and critcize. Theirs, ours anyone's.
Wow, Joel, perhaps you are a prophet.
Jennifer, I think you are right. Most wouldn't care. But some of the ones I talk to would. For them, people who leave the church are rejecting God, and it doesn't dawn on them that they might be rejecting church.
Our church is just like your little church. We only care about ourselves. It is all about us. Not about God. About what WE think is good.We care about ourselves more than God or the Bible also. We are more alike than you think. Did I mention I have a book out?
Joel Osteen
I hear ya. I love Technorati, sinjce it allows me to find people who have links to me or indirectly via the Progressive Christian Blogger Ring; and I find kindred spirits, and this one is a biggy: where the heck is the Church? What's this stuff it's doin' now? I think what you mention is where the Church really is; but there's also that call thing, and collaboratig with our gifts to do something important, among those important things is the things we discover about one another, and that we have a caring circle. It's been a while since I've felt that I do.
Thanks for postin on this.
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