I have to say this scares the shit out of me. The Bush administration's arrogance is well known, but I can't believe they would go into Iran. They have a real army, not one depleted by years of sanctions and embargoes. They have real weapons. But I was sure that Bush would never go into Iraq, and that proved false. I am hopeful that this report will spur the press to do its job this time--something they did not do during the buildup to Iraq. Ask the hard questions and do not accept the "we assure you that this time there really are wmd" approach. Bush's snide statement that the election proved that people liked his approach to the war in Iraq shows how out of touch he really is. If he goes into Iran (not just covertly) he will have to institute the draft, and that could sink the Republicans. I know a lot of Repubs who are not anxious for their sons and daughters and grandkids and nieces and nephews to be drafted for this guy's latest war.
This is the kind of stuff that I really struggled with. I hate apocalyptic types events (not sure I know anyone who likes them) and they fill me with a lot of fear. I have to battle that fear. I do it by trying to focus on the immediate and the good. I spend more time with the dogs, listening to or playing music, talking to Streak's other friend or the numerous great people that have made my life more, well, just more.
Looks like with 4 more years of Bush, I will have more time to practice these techniques.
The problem here isn't Bush, the problem (with some) Americans, such as yourself, is that you don't seem to comprehend who or what you're dealing with.
I don't have a PHD in US History, nor was I born here, but coming from the former USSR - I can see a few things that you (and most of liberal left) can't seem to.
We're not talking about Bush here, we're talking about people who would come and CUT YOUR HEAD OFF NOW, if they were given a tiniest of chances. It's not because you've done anything to them, it's because you can have a porch and drink beer with your spouse and dog. Normal civilized people wouldn't think of punishing you for such horrific lifestyle. After all you didn't steal your spouse and the dog and you didn't confiscate the house from someone... just because you could.
However, these people we're dealing with, don't have the same morals you do, don't have the same values you do... and more importantly, they don't just hate me because I'm opposed to their views; they absolutely and totally HATE YOU as well, even though you seem to be more sympathetic to them than I am.
They want to come and kill you!!! It's as simple as that. Now the President happens to think, despite all of the hatred you're spewing in his direction, that it's wrong and they shouldn't be allowed to do so. He could take the approach of the previous administration and just ignore the issue and deal with more important problems like Monica. My wild guess would be that you're feeling that he was probably unjustly impeached because of 'politics of personal destruction'. The fact that he let Bin Laden go when he had a chance to nab him, is probably irrelevant to you. You still likely think that he was a good President, although due to that little lack of attention - over 3000 of our fellow Americans had to die that horrid morning, and US economy thrown overboard like a bad apple. Terrorism certainly happened before Bush, with the first bombing of the WTC, USS Cole, Cobart Towers etc. and he did nothing to stop it. Bush is trying to do something and, according to you, it's wrong?
Quit bashing Bush, there are people who are much worse than he is and be thankful to him that the bomb that could've easily destroyed your favorite porch, dog and spouse was not launched, certainly due to Bush's efforts and our troops overseas.
You need to open your eyes and see who you're dealing with and stop beating on someone who's on your side... otherwise - it'll be the end to everything you love and praise... because Bin Laden certainly couldn't care less about you, your porch and your dog! Just think about that!
Oleg, what's with the obsession with Streak's dog and porch? Maybe the terrorists will have better sense and wipe out that useless OU footbal team...or maybe they'll go after all that beer and coffee...
Streak, I'm just playing around here. I didn't know your commenters were so interesting!
Yeah, Carlos, who knew?
So Oleg doesn't like my blog, eh? Color me surprised. I really don't care what you think about my blog, but let me say this: you have been studying at the Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity school of debate, that is for sure. Way to put words in my mouth and then demean them. Oh, and thanks for the constant mocking of who I am and what I enjoy. That really hit the spot.
I have never had compassion for terrorists, you moron. I have always, and if you knew me you would know this, suggested a two tiered approach to terrorism. Take it strongly to the actual terrorists, but take care to appeal to the average muslim who really doesn't want to bomb my porch and convince them that we have more in common than the terrorists. But it is easier for you to paint us liberals as people who coddle terrorist and want to sit down with them and ask them if they were breast fed. I know a lot of liberals, dude, and none of them are kind to terrorists.
And finally, the response to evil can never be evil. Can you see that? We are better than the terrorists and a lot of muslims are too. They want to raise their kids and love their families and live their lives. The terrorists are willing to disrupt that--on that we agree. But because they are willing to cut off my head does not mean that I respond in kind. Jesus didn't say "hate your enemies" he said the opposite.
If that is not convincing to you, I really don't care.
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