February 3, 2005

Bush and Christianity, redux.

I haven't had a rant in a while. so here goes....

As per my last post, I was running to Starbucks today and had the radio on. Flipped onto one of the Christian stations and listened to Marlon Maddoux's Point of View. Man is it terrible!

They were talking about the SOTU speech last night. Full disclosure. I didn't watch it. Can't stand to watch that man speak. Reminds me of an epileptic seisure or something.

But all that aside, they had a few women call in and talk about how much they loved the speech. Fair enough. I understand people like Bush. But their reasons sucked. "He is such a man of conviction," one said. The other referred to his moral values. His concern about gay marriage. His concern for life. Whatever. But his moral fiber kept returning. "When he says something, you know he means it," said one woman. She also raved about the Iraq elections and how they proved that Bush had taken us in there for a good mission. I thought, hmm, she probably didn't mean trying to get wmd. She probably had switched from Bush's original justification to how they spun the war into something else. But it hardly shows conviction on his part.

Here is the deal. You like his social security plan? You like that he wants to remove part of that connection between Americans and continues to push a bootstrap myth-laden policy that essentially removes American's responsibility for the poor, that is fine. But don't call that Christian. You like his Iraq policy of invading when he felt like it? Fine. But don't confuse that with Christ. You like his stance on Gay marriage even though it directly contradicts what he ran on in 2000 and he is using it to pander to Christian Conservatives, fine. But don't call that Christian either.

And please, please don't call Bush a great christian man until you can give me a non photo-op, non pandering, non lip-service example of how his faith has actually changed how he deals with people. From my perspective, this man is as ruthless as they come. After all, it is hard to grant great moral status to someone who relies on Karl Rove to win his elections. Same guy who spread the racist rumor about John McCain in 2000. That ain't Christian and to repeatedly call him one is like me saying I admire Clinton for his sexual purity.

Ok. enough for now.

1 comment:

Dignan said...

I posted today about Bush's comments on gay marriage. Thought you might find this interesting.
