February 23, 2005

Greg is shrill, and I like it!

the parish: Villagers! Pitchforks! Torches!: "We're entering into a new age of academic (and ecclesial) coercion. The Southern Baptist Convention has been at it for a while. I understand the Nazarene Church is considering a measure to subject theology and religion professors to examination by regional or district superintendents. Great! Guys with business degrees and D.Min.'s cross-examining theologians about theology. The conservative, evangelical churches are not going to be happy until this purity movement has eliminated all traces of 'liberalism.' That's a scary, scary way to do church, theology, and community. It squashes theological investigation, silences prophetic voices, and exalts a sort of theological mediocrity that coheres to least common denominator ecclesiology. When we all look like a Purpose Driven Church, when we all sound like Bill Hybels, when Krispy Kremes are available at every visitor information center, when the Bible is once again inerrant and infallible, when women will keep silent in churches and men will scream 'Maximus!' while fencing with the devil, and when the damn homosexuals and liberals are finally cast out of the churches, then the Al Mohlers and Boards of Regents and Presidents of universities and bishops of denominations can rest content that the kingdom has come. Maranatha, Hazel Motes."

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