February 6, 2005

One more: the evangelical environmental misunderstanding

I will stop with the Larry King transcript after this. Let me say that I didn't see the episode, but thought McLaren and Jakes did well. Graham was ok, and the Lahayes looked like idiots. Here is what Lahaye had to say about the environment.

CNN.com - Transcripts: "MCLAREN: I agree very much with what Bishop Jakes said. I'm more interested in what we owe him. And one of the things I think we as people of faith owe him is to call him to moral values, that's certainly true. But moral values including issues like making peace, moral values like really caring for the poor and seeing what we can do to make sure they have a greater share in our nation. I also think we have to ask the president to care more about the environment as God's creation. I'm very pleased to see increasing numbers of evangelicals sharing that concern. I would hope that we want to be a conscience for the president and our country, but on a number of issues.

KING: Why, Reverend LaHaye, haven't evangelicals been more outspoken about the environment?

T. LAHAYE: Because we believe that the environment was made for us. And not us for the environment. There's a big cultural chasm in our country today. For example we have people who get out of shape if a whale is beached and they want to blame the U.S. Navy and sonar investigation and so on and yet they don't mind 45 billion babies being murdered in the name of abortion in the last few years. I can't understand why animals...

KING: But if we've got dirty air we might all not be here. Shouldn't that be a prime concern?

T. LAHAYE: But we don't have the dirty air that we did 20 years ago, right here in Los Angeles. You don't have near as much dirty...

KING: You think we're doing a good job with... T. LAHAYE: I think we're improving. We could probably do better. And we Christians are not against clean air and clean water and preserving proper life. But we ought to have our values in priority. And we believe that human beings are more important than animals. "

Yeah, humans being more important than animals. Never mind that we are animals too, but the bigger problem with Idiot Lahaye's statement is the lack of comprehension regarding the environment. Don't you think, Timmy, that things that might harm animals might also harm humans? Any reflection here that we all live in the same nest?

Oh, and Lahaye also demonstrates his ignorance about pollution. It isn't just the stuff you can see (dirty air) but the other pollutants that might be invisible.

Ok, I am done with this guy. He is way to ignorant to be this famous. And no, I haven't read his "books" and will not. Not interested.

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