February 6, 2005

Sure glad that the Repubs respect our system so much

Saw this at the end of the Supersize Me film. This from last year, just another example of Republicans saying that the market will self-correct, except when it is done through lawsuits. Personal responsibility is good, but what about corporate? What about political?

BBC NEWS | Americas | US approves 'Cheeseburger bill'
: "The so-called Cheeseburger Bill bans frivolous lawsuits against producers and sellers of food and non-alcoholic drinks arising from obesity claims.

The bill supporters say consumers have to realise they cannot blame others for the consequences of their actions.

Critics say the food industry now does not have to worry about public health.

The vote came a day after a new study said obesity was likely to become the nation's biggest preventable killer, overtaking smoking."

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