June 30, 2006

Fox host wants an "Office of Censorship" to stop unamerican activities

Brian Kilmeade over at Fox is a real asshat. This is just idiotic of course, and appears to be a concerted effort by the right to further demonize the press. Remember that the NY Times, now called traitorous and unamerican (and one right winger wanting the editor executed), was also the main press outlet that helped sell the war to the American people (thanks Judith Miller).

The facts are pretty clear. The far right in this country (those in charge, unfortunately) don't really want democracy and they hate a free and open press.


Anonymous said...

Wasn't the Wall Street Journal implicated in this also? As I recall, they were also urged to withhold publication and refused. It's much harder for the current admin to critique a common ideological ally like the WSJ than it is the demonic Grey Lady NYT

Nicole said...

Office of censorship? Very Orwellian. This makes my anxiety bells start ringing in my tummy. The same ones that ring whenever I'm pretty sure some psychotic guy was about to decide I needed to die as part of his delusion when I worked at the hospital. I learned to TRUST that feeling...